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C32 Scholarship Applications Due

April 19 - 20, 2019
When: All Day

AFSCME Wisconsin is accepting applications for the 2019 Jim Boyd Memorial Scholarship, Dode Lowe Memorial Scholarship, and Tom Thorton Members Only Memorial Scholarship. 


1- $3,500.00 Jim Boyd Memorial Scholarship to a high school senior (dependant of a current member)

1- $3,500.00 Dode Lowe Memorial Scholarship to a high school senior (dependant of a current member)

1- $3,500.00 Tom Thorton Members Only Memorial Scholarship to a current member of Council 32

For rules and application, email or call (608) 826-1932. Please include the member's name, address, and the student-applicant's name. Scholarships are due April 20, 2019.