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About Us


America’s communities never rest. Streets need cleaning. Families need care. Students deserve well-run schools, and our neighborhoods demand safety. That’s why people who work in public service never stop. This isn’t just a job. It’s a calling. The work matters because it means something to make a community better.

AFSCME believes that every person working to sustain their community deserves respect. As part of the AFL-CIO, AFSCME is one of the nation’s leading advocates for working women and men. Our 1.6 million members provide the vital services that make America happen, and we believe everyone deserves a chance to fulfill the American dream.

AFSCME is the union that honors solidarity without conformity, drawing each member’s story into a force of experience and commitment that can’t be ignored. That’s how we win better lives for ourselves, our families, and our communities. For people proudly committed to public service, we never quit.

We are AFSCME, join us.

AFSCME Local 1

AFSCME Local 1 represents Wisconsin state employees in Dane County, Wisconsin, employed at: the Department of Administration; the Board on Aging; the Department of Agriculture; the Arts Board; the Office of the Commissioner Banking; the Department of Business Development; the Elections Board; the Department of Employee Trust Funds; the Executive Office; the Department of Health and Social Services; the Higher Education Aids Board; the Wisconsin Historical Society; the Office of the Commissioner Insurance; the Department of Investment Board Justice; the Department of Local Affairs and Development; the Department of Military Affairs; the Department of Public Instruction; the Department of Regulation Licensing; the Secretary of State; the Office of the Commissioner Securities; the Department of Treasury; and the Department of Veterans Affairs, except those employees within the jurisdiction of other AFSCME local unions.

After the merger with Locals 68 and 145, Local 1 also represents Wisconsin state employees working in the Counties of Dane, Columbia, Dodge, Sauk and Jefferson in the Office of the Commissioner of the Credit Unions, the Education Communications Board, the Educational Approval Board, the Public Service Commission, the Department of Revenue, the Department of Transportation, the Board of Vocational and Adult Education, and the Department of Workforce Development, excluding those employees within the jurisdiction of other AFSCME local unions.

Membership meetings are held on the first Thursday of March, June, September, and December, Contact us for the exact time and place.