EVENT NOTICE: UW Board Of Regents - Picket

Correction: Please note this event is being sponsored by Local 171 and not Local 2412
AFSCME Local 171 and AFT Local 3320 (UW-Teaching Assistants) are planning on picketing the Board of Regents meeting Thursday, December 7th.
Members are picketing the UW Regents to protest their unilateral decision on the UW Merger Plan.
AFSCME urges President Cross to create a transparent merger plan as well as ensuring that this plan prevents layoffs from the already understaffed UW System.
If you are interested in participating in the picket, details are below:
WHO: Campus unions, students, and supporters will be participating in this picket.
WHEN: 11:15 AM - 11:45 AM
WHERE: General session of the UW Regents (Gordon Commons - 770 W Dayton St, Madison, WI 53706 - 2nd Floor, outside the Symphony Room).
NOTE: Wear your union T-shirt, and bring a sign.
For additional information contact Barb Peters (cheyennendusty@aol.com)