AFSCME Endorsed Candidate Wins In Senate District 10

Patty Schachtner Wins SD 10
Worker friendly candidate, Patty Schachtner, won a decisive victory last night in Wisconsin's 10th Senate District election to replace Republican, Sheila Harsdorf.
Anti-worker forces are beginning to panic over fear this election signals an impending wave election as this win marks a continuation of pro-worker candidates winning in deeply conservative districts from Alabama to Wisconsin.
Patty's campaign relied on volunteers making calls and knocking doors to get the word out about the election. AFSCME members from Council 32 and Council 5 were heavily involved in member-to-member contacts conducted hundreds of knocks and calls during the short month-long election. Patty's win moves the Wisconsin Senate within four seats of Democratic control.
Interested In Getting Involved?
The 2018 elections are just around the corner! Contact AFSCME Political Staff to get involved in the upcoming elections by sending an e-mail to Angela Kron (