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Please Support Citizens for Dane County’s Future.

We are asking for your help to support Citizens for Dane County’s Future. This organization supports progressive candidates for the Dane County Board, providing campaign support for candidates who share labor-friendly values. Now that we are living under the Association model, we need to maintain our ability to meet and confer with the county about the Employee Benefit Handbook (EBH). Now more than ever, we rely on the cooperation of the county board to develop and protect employee benefits and working conditions. In the absence of a state statute that requires the county to bargain with us, the county board is the final authority in approving changes to the EBH. While the county sometimes makes changes to the EBH that are being pushed by the managers, the county board still tries to maintain a labor-friendly agenda. We have to utilize our relationships with Board Supervisors to protect our employee rights. Please consider donating to this organization to help maintain the integrity of the labor-friendly majority currently serving on the Dane County Board.

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