Union Momentum Grows: 20,000 Nevada State Employees to Gain Collective Bargaining Rights

CARSON CITY, Nev. — Public service workers across the country lauded the passage of Nevada Senate Bill 135, which expands collective bargaining rights to over 20,000 Nevada state employees – the largest statewide expansion of collective bargaining rights in 16 years.
The bill, expected to be signed into law by Gov. Steve Sisolak, comes at a time when unions are experiencing the highest level of public support in more than a decade.
With their new freedom to negotiate, Nevada state employees can use their collective voice to negotiate a host of workplace issues, among them wages, paid leave and ways to improve safety on the job.
“Twenty thousand public service workers in Nevada have now added their voices to the growing chorus of Americans who understand that the freedom to join strong unions is needed more than ever to unrig the system by putting working people above corporate interests, fix our democracy and strengthen our communities across the country,” said AFSCME President Lee Saunders.
Nevada state employees have been organizing with the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Local 4041.
“Today is a historic step forward for thousands of state public service workers who have long demanded a voice on the job,” said Local 4041 President Harry Schiffman. “Much work remains to be done, and this bill shows that we can make real progress when we come together as a union.”
AFSCME will continue to organize Nevada state workers into the AFSCME family, building more power to lift up all working people and benefit the entire Silver State.
With public support for unions at a 15-year high; with presidential candidates embracing unions; and with working people across the country taking collective action in their workplaces to join unions, it’s clear that Americans are eager for pro-worker solutions to level the playing field for working people in an economy that favors the wealthy.
“Public service workers in Nevada and everywhere else across the country are everyday heroes. The work they do is hard and largely unsung, and for that they deserve respect,” Saunders added. “We will continue to fight for similar progress around the country, organizing to improve public services that strengthen communities, and win greater freedom for public service workers to join in strong unions.”