Monday, August 28, 2017
SUBJECT: Employees In Department Of Children & Families Win Back Pay
AFSCME Members in the Department of Children and Families won a major victory this month with several union members receiving earned overtime pay that their employer attempted to deny them.
Now, the State of Wisconsin has announced it will not appeal the decision, guaranteeing employees their back pay.
Even better for the affected employees, the state is extending the amount of time considered in back payments, which will lead to larger payments.
“We are very pleased to see the Labor Standards Investigator make the right decision by workers in this case,” said Executive Director of Council 32 Rick Badger. “We are out there every day fighting alongside working people to ensure they are treated fairly in the workplace. Successes, like this one, are a great reminder of how workers can change their workplace for the better when they stand together.”
For More Information On This Issue Please Refer To AFSCME’s Previous Release: